Working meeting with specialists of PMHC

A working meeting chaired by director A.K. Syzdykova. At the meeting the specialists of the center and psychiatrists-narcologists of the primary mental health centers of the city's polyclinics discussed topical problems and made decisions.

The opening speech was made by the director of the Regional AIDS Center A.K. Syzdykov. Head of the epidemiological department of the center N.N. Gordymova informed about the current epidemiological and drug situation in the North Kazakhstan region. And the deputy chief physician of the mental health center M.N. Morozhnikova in her speech raised the problem of low HIV testing coverage among people who inject drugs.

Specialists discussed problematic issues and made decisions, in particular, to ensure 100% screening of PWID for antibodies to HIV at registration and every 6 months, in accordance with the order of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 27, 2020 “On approval of the rules for mandatory confidential medical examination for the presence of HIV infection".

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