Joint work of departments

September 13, 2023 at the regional children's and youth library named after G. Musrepov, a meeting was held with students from all colleges of Petropavlovsk.

Representatives of various departments met with young people to raise such important topics as combating corruption. They also told young people about drug addiction and drug trafficking, HIV prevention.

The event was attended by police officer of the Anti-Corruption Service of the North Kazakhstan region E. Aubakirova, senior police lieutenant, detective officer of the UP DP North Kazakhstan region Z. Popova, head of the Petropavlovsk Youth Resource Center D. Abdin, AIDS center specialist O. Simukhina, as well as college activists and active volunteers from among youth.

After each speaker's presentation, students could ask them questions and receive a competent answer.

“I’m glad that students are interested in the topic. They asked how and at what stage HIV becomes AIDS, whether HIV-infected people can have healthy children, and what responsibility a person bears for intentionally contracting HIV in Kazakhstan. They asked many other questions. The conversation was very active and interesting,” said Oksana Simukhina.

The event was attended by 39 students from Petropavlovsk colleges.

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