Action dedicated to the World Day of Remembrance of people who died of AIDS

On May 13, in Petropavlovsk, employees of the North-Kazakhstan Regional Center for the Prevention and Control of AIDS held an action in the hall of the City mall dedicated to the World Day of Remembrance of those who died from AIDS.

The visitors of the shopping and entertainment center had the opportunity to get advice from the specialist of the AIDS Center Tatyana Saykina and the representative of the ALE "Phoenix" Karlygash Akinova on HIV issues. All those who wished could undergo express testing, which was conducted by the nurse Altynai Zhakiyanova.

"We try to organize such events as often as possible throughout the year. And, as practice shows, they are always popular with North Kazakhstanis, as they save time, which our citizens always lack. This time, 37 citizens wished to know their HIV status. Informational - 169 visitors and employees of the mall were covered with educational material and consultations," said Tatyana Saykina, head of the organizational and methodological department of the AIDS Center.

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