Effective Dialogue

Employees of the North Kazakhstan Regional Center for the Prevention and Control of AIDS together with employees from the department on combating drug crime

met with students and chairmen of youth committees of Petropavlovsk colleges.

The meeting is a project to prevent the use of harmful substances among young people. It was organized by the Youth Resource Center of the city.

The police officer of the department, senior police lieutenant Zarina Popova told about the work being done to prevent drug use and drug trafficking among schoolchildren and students, about the dangers of drug use.

And the representative of the AIDS Center Oksana Simuhina reminded the youth that drug use is a risk of HIV infection. She also spoke about other ways of transmitting the virus and methods of prevention.

At the end, the participants were shown thematic videos.

The meeting participants also discussed the possibility of further cooperation.

More than 40 people attended the event.

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