Unusual Club of the Funny and Inventives (KVN)

In Petropavlovsk, specialists of the regional center for the prevention and control of AIDS held an event "HIV: to hear everyone" at the North Kazakhstan State University named after M. Kozybaev.

The event was organized as a KVN on the subject of HIV and AIDS, led by Oksana Simukhina.

Teams from the School of Medicine and the Faculty of Agriculture and Technology participated in the game. While answering questions and solving tasks, the students had to recollect well-known facts about HIV and AIDS, ways of HIV transmission and rules of prevention.

Oksana Simukhina, based on her experience working with students, notes that the game form is the best way to consolidate the old knowledge and learn new ones.

The results of the competition showed that the students have a good understanding of the topic, the whole game teams did not concede to each other.

The members of the jury were Karlygash Akinova, a representative of UL "Phoenix", doctor-epidemiologist Raushan Eserkenova and Zarema Gumarova, the chief director of the student club.

Members of both teams received prizes from the organizers for their active participation.

At the end of the contest children wrote on the poster their wishes to defeat HIV around the world as soon as possible, and attached symbolic red ribbons to it.

Also in the lobby of the main building of the University there was a point of express-testing for HIV for all comers from among students and staff of the University.

Information and educational materials were distributed. In addition, a banner with a hotline was installed in the foyer, where North Kazakhstan citizens can get anonymous and confidential advice on HIV.

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