Online training for obstetricians-gynecologists

The North Kazakhstan Regional Center for the Prevention and Control of AIDS organized a seminar for obstetricians-gynecologists and persons responsible for monitoring the examination of pregnant women and their sexual partners in medical organizations of the region. The event was held online via the Zoom platform.

The Head of the Epidemiological Department N. Gordymova spoke about the rules for examining pregnant women and their sexual partners, according to the order of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 27, 2020 «On the approval of the rules for compulsory confidential medical examination for HIV infection», as well as on organizational and methodological work on HIV infection in medical institutions of the North Kazakhstan region.

Epidemiologist D. Yermekova informed about the analysis of the coverage of HIV testing of pregnant women and their sexual partners in the North Kazakhstan region for the Q1 2021. And the doctor of the Treatment-and-prophylactic Department E. Green spoke about the features of the treatment of pregnant women with HIV.

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