Interaction training in the «K-Lab» information system

On the basis of the North-Kazakhstan Regional Center for the Prevention and Control of AIDS, from February 15 to 17, a training seminar was held on the topic «Laboratory information system «K-Lab»». The training was conducted by the specialists of Meditech LLP (Nur-Sultan), project manager Yulia Borodavkina.

The seminar was attended by specialists responsible for the registration of biomaterials and IT specialists from medical organizations of the city and the region: polyclinics and hospitals, private medical centers, an orphanage, a mental health center, EU institutions.

The participants of the three-day training were told about the capabilities of the K-Lab laboratory information system, as well as how it helps to establish communication between medical organizations in the region and the laboratory of the Republican AIDS Center.

The organizers are sure that the training will improve the effectiveness of HIV testing. The event was organized as part of the implementation of the state program «Digital Kazakhstan».

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