Creativity against the HIV

On November 30, the Petropavlovsk College of Arts hosted the action "Time for Equality" as part of the campaign dedicated to the World AIDS Day. The action was organized by the Complex "College of Arts - a specialized boarding school for gifted children of musical and aesthetic profile", the North Kazakhstan Regional Center for the Prevention and Control of AIDS and the Association of Legal Entities "Phoenix".

The students demonstrated creative performances, including fourth-year student Sapysh Korlanova, who read a poem on the topic of stigma and discrimination against people living with HIV. And second-year student Karina Nezhivykh prepared a video about the ways of HIV transmission.

One of them is directly related to drug use. Senior lieutenant Zarina Popova, detective of the Office for Combating Drug Crime of the North Kazakhstan Police Department, spoke about this in her speech.

Oksana Simuhina, specialist of the AIDS Center, spoke in more detail about HIV and AIDS prevention.

Answering questions from a specialist, the guys showed their level of knowledge about HIV and AIDS.

Natalia Gordymova, head of the epidemiological department of the AIDS Center, spoke about the HIV situation in the region.


120 people took part in the action.

Students involved in the organization of the event received certificates

and gifts from the AIDS Center.

During the event, students could take a rapid HIV test. 23 people took part in the testing.


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